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The Art of Korean Traditional Makeup: A Window to the Past

 Korean traditional makeup, known as "Gisaeng" or "Hanbok" makeup, has a rich history dating back to the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). 

This ancient art form not only adorned the faces of royalty and nobility but also reflected the social hierarchy and cultural values of the time.

History and Cultural Significance

During the Joseon era, makeup was an essential aspect of Korean culture, particularly among the aristocracy. Gisaeng, female entertainers trained in music, dance, and poetry, were renowned for their exquisite beauty and makeup skills.

Traditional Korean Makeup Techniques

1. Skin preparation: Using rice powder, green tea, and other natural ingredients.

2. Foundation: Applying a thin layer of rice powder or ceruse.

3. Eyebrows: Shaping and filling with ink or natural dyes.

4. Eyeliner: Drawing a subtle line along the upper lash line.

5. Lip color: Applying a soft, reddish-brown hue.

Key Features of Traditional Korean Makeup

1. Pale complexion: Symbolizing wealth and status.

2. Defined eyebrows: Indicating intelligence and wisdom.

3. Subtle eyeliner: Accentuating the eyes without exaggeration.

4. Natural lip color: Emphasizing modesty and humility.

Gisaeng Makeup Styles

1. "Seonhwa" style: Characterized by bold, red lips and defined eyebrows.

2. "Gwanghan" style: Featuring a pale complexion and subtle eyeliner.

3. "Naeui" style: Emphasizing natural beauty with minimal makeup.

Influence of Buddhism and Confucianism

Korean traditional makeup reflects the cultural values of Buddhism and Confucianism:

1. Simplicity and modesty: Avoiding excessive ornamentation.

2. Harmony with nature: Using natural ingredients and colors.

3. Respect for hierarchy: Makeup styles reflecting social status.

Modern Adaptations and Trends

While traditional Korean makeup remains an important part of cultural heritage, modern adaptations have emerged:

1. Fusion of traditional and Western techniques.

2. Bold, vibrant colors and designs.

3. Emphasis on skincare and natural ingredients.

Notable Korean Makeup Artists

1. Kim Ji-hyun: Renowned for her traditional Gisaeng makeup designs.

2. Lee Soo-jin: Acclaimed for her modern interpretations of traditional Korean makeup.

3. Park Ji-young: Respected for her expertise in Hanbok makeup.

Preserving Cultural Heritage

Efforts to preserve Korean traditional makeup include:

1. Workshops and classes: Teaching traditional techniques.

2. Cultural festivals: Showcasing traditional makeup and Hanbok.

3. Museum exhibitions: Displaying historical makeup artifacts.


Korean traditional makeup is a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions. By understanding and appreciating this ancient art form, we can gain a deeper appreciation for Korea's history, values, and beauty standards.


1. "Korean Traditional Makeup" by Korea Tourism Organization.

2. "The Art of Gisaeng Makeup" by Journal of Korean Studies.

3. "Hanbok and Makeup" by Korea Herald.

4. "Traditional Korean Beauty" by Cosmopolitan.

5. "Korean Makeup Trends" by Allure.

Fact Box:

- Origins: Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).

- Significance: Reflected social hierarchy and cultural values.

- Traditional techniques: Skin preparation, foundation, eyebrows, eyeliner.

- Key features: Pale complexion, defined eyebrows, subtle eyeliner.

- Modern adaptations: Fusion of traditional and Western techniques.


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